My Story

Taken By: Chris Losier
Taken By: Chris Losier

John 14:6 (NIV)

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Nothing is more powerful than when someone comes to Christ and fully surrenders. In this post I will share my story(short version). I grew up going to catholic schools and in a unsaved home. I never practiced my beliefs at home, I just kind of lived my life how I wanted. After I graduated high school (2010) I started getting into drinking, and smoking weed, not heavily but on occasion. I started heavily drinking and smoking pot when my mom was in the hospital due to brain cancer. I used it as a method to adapt to the changes. On November 16th, 2011 I lost my mother. It was tragic to say the least. My whole family was devastated. My mother left me with the words “either way I win” those words would echo in my head for life. When she said that she meant, if she lives she stays here, If she dies she goes to heaven. I shortly moved to Winnipeg (Spring 2012) to explore and live independently. I partied every weekend, spent most of my money on alcohol, rent, pizza and pot. That was pretty much my life. Work to party and get high. It wasn’t a mystery that I was depressed and trying to hide my feelings in sex, drugs and drinking. It was bad. Things started rolling downhill, I ended up having enough and felt like I needed to move back home, so on December 24th 2013 I flew home.

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Divine Timing

Shortly after moving home, I went to my moms grave site and just broke down. I have never in my life felt so lost and dirty. I didn’t know where I was headed, I wasn’t proud of who I was, I was a mess. In the middle of winter while snow is coming down, I cried out and asked for help. God guided me and I haven’t turned back since. Since that night I have not been the same person, he has given me new desires and cleansed me. To be quite honest its something I cant explain. Its like the person who I was all along finally came out. I feel free and I feel real.

End Thoughts

I am not here to show or say I am better than you. I have stumbled on my walk with God. I just want people to know that I have walked on the road of partying, sex and drugs and It got me nowhere. It leads nowhere. Those things only fill up empty spots for little time and when they are empty you do it again. I’ve been there, I’ve done that. My question to you is this, do you feel lost? Do you feel hopeless? Do you feel empty? Do you know without a shadow of a doubt you will make it to heaven? Do you know God is for you and not against you? If you’ve answered yes to these questions may I suggest you take these concerns to the lord, pray to him, let him know how you feel and ask for guidance. I can only speak of which I know. I asked for guidance and he guided me. No other explanation. No one is promised tomorrow, we do not know what tomorrow brings. Today isn’t to soon but tomorrow may be to late. God Bless you all! Have a great week!:)

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